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Preserved Meshera

Meshera is one of the national parks situated most closely to Moscow, so it is an ideal place for a week-end trip. Visit to the park will distract you from the routine and you will find yourself among the quietness and serenity of virgin nature, feel the forest flavour, listen to the birds’ singing and see wild animals.
You might have visited many places in your country and the world, but do you really know that even near Moscow islands of untouched nature remain where churches and monasteries, ancient Russian towns and original villages rest in wonderful landscapes…

Our guides

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Experimental glass factory
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Ancient russian town museum
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Ancient russian town museum
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1 day

Departure from Moscow.
12:00 Arrival to Gus’-Khrustal’ny. Check-in.
13:00 Lunch.
14:00 Excursion to Museum of Crystal.
16:30 Excursion to the the national park’s visit-center. During the tour you will find out who forest people are, when they come to this area, what mysteries the Saint Lake keeps and when the first churches appeared and many other interesting things…You will also see the biggest collection of butterflies in Vladimirsky region.
20:00 Dinner. Free time.

2 day

8:00 Breakfast. Check-out.
9:30 Excursion to the Museum of Birds where the guide will reveal you how woodpeckers sleep, the way sparrow looks like, whether it is true that black vulture steels chickens and much more....
11:30 Excursion to the Russkoe Podvorie (Russian Farmhouse) Museum where you will learn about the life and culture of a Russian village of XVII-XX centuries. Here you will also meet Maria Potapovna – the bear living in the museum.
13:30 Lunch
14:00 Excursion by foot around the national park to the Saint Trinity church (XIX century), watching the biggest ant hills and beaver settlements of the park, listening to the history of the Erleks village.
16:00 Departure for Moscow
20:00-21:00 Arrival to Moscow.


Number of PAX 2
Price per person, RUB (by your own transport)8200
7500 7380
7150 7100
Price per person, RUB (by bus)
22500 20000
16900 15000
Price per person, RUB (Multy-journey ticket)
Option 1 - by your own transport: accommodation, FB, Russian-speaking guide, excursions, recreation fee.
Option 2 - by bus: accommodation, FB, Russian-speaking guide, excursions, recreation fee, all the transfers according to the program.
Option 3 - Multy-journey ticket - by bus: accommodation, FB, Russian-speaking guide, excursions, recreation fee, all the transfers according to the program.
optional excursions, interpreter, alcoholic beverages.


Hotel “Mesherskaya sloboda” ***
The hotel is situated 3 km far from the town centre.
Rooms: Single, Double, Cuadruple.
Restaurant, bar, car parking, laundry.
Hotel ”Barinova Rosha” **
The hotel is situated at the entrance to Gus’ Khrustalny town, in beautiful pine forest.
Rooms: Double, Single, Semisuit, Suit.
Restaurant, bar, café, car parking, laundry, conference-hall, billiards.

Places of interest
Museum of Crystal. The history of Gus’-Khrustal’ny (khrustal’ – cut glass) town is tightly connected to the history of its oldest enterprise – the Cut Glass Plant. Long ago A. Mal’tsov realized the value of both the natural and human resourses of Meshera as well as its proximity to Moscow and in 1756 he built his Cut Glass factory. This was the start of Russian glass making and the beginning of a dynasty of glass manufacturers.
The museum is the “business card” of the town. It is located in former St. George Cathedral designed by L. Benua.
There are displayed the most interesting and exclusive cut glass samples created at the plant since its foundation.


General info:

2 days




2 - 10

auto / bus

all year round

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