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Far East from above

Far East from above
Exclusive birding expedition for all rarities od the region

From the North Korea border, along the great Amur river through manchurian jungles to the Japan sea and Sakhalin island we will look for the most rare species of the area. Among our target species are: Pleske’s Grasshopper-warbler, Black-faced Spoonbill, Brown Dipper, Falcated Duck, Scaly-sided Merganser, Siberian Grouse, Siberian Rubythroat,  Steller’s Sea Eagle, Swan Goose, Black-billed Capercaillie, and many others. The chances to watch the birds are ensured by highly professional local ornithologists. Join-in group starts annually in the end of May, tailor made tours may run during the whole season from April to October.

Baikal Lake birding

Baikal Lake birding
Misterious birding at the Saint sea

Baikal is a mistery. Ever until now local people believe eagle to be a sacred bird. There are lots of eagles breeding in Baikal area - Golden Eagle, Imperial Eagle, Steppe Eagle, Greater Spotted Eagle, Booted Eagle, White-tailed Eagle and Pallas’ Sea Eagle. And there are more than 20 raptor species in total. Hiking through mountain taiga you can hear tender voice of Yellow-browed Bunting and Rubythroat, Charming Siberian Blue Robin. Three-toed woodpecker you would recognize by its yellow cap. Around impetuous mountain rivers and creeks with waterfalls, you can watch fantastic bird – a dipper – diving in icy streams to find there some food. In mountain steppes of Southern Baikal long-tailed Bunting  is one of the common species. Godlewski's Bunting, Eye-browed Thrush and Siberian Thrush are also typical for the area. Elegant Rock Thrush  prefers rocky landscapes.The best time to come is late spring and summer.

Birds of Arctic - Lena Delta

Birds of Arctic  - Lena Delta

Fragile nature of the Russian Arctic  

In the heart of Siberia, on it's very northern edge there is a fragile tundra world located on the islands in the great siberian river Lena delta. The spring and summer come here very late and just for a short period just enough for the tundra birds to hatch out their young. Each year in early summer many thousands of geese, ducks, swans, different pipers, gulls and terns concentrate at the nesting sites. You have a unique opportunity to be invited to this life's birthday, don't miss it!

Late availability:




Volonteers opportunities in Russia National parks and Nature reserves Traditionally we start collecting volonteer's options from Russian National Parks and Reserves for 2024. All vacancies are available here:
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! We wish you health and free travelling!
Russian e-visa has been finally launched on August 1, 2023 Russian Ministry of foreign affairs start to receive applications for e-visa to Russia from business, private guests and tourists as well as from scientists and some other categories of visitors to Russia.
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