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Oksky Reserve

Reserve: Oksky Reserve 

Oksky reserve, one of the oldest in Russia is situated in South-East of Meschera region. The combination of sand hills, pine forests and endless flood meadows creates picturesque unique landscapes of Meschera.
The reason to create Oksky reserve was the need to protect desman (Desmana moschata), Russian endemic. While visiting Oksky reserve you will learn most interesting facts about reserve history and features of Meschera nature. You will visit the reserve museum and bison breeding center where you can take pictures.
You will also get a unique chance to visit the Crane Nursery Center. This center works to conserve the unique species of cranes especially Siberian white crane (Grus leucogeranus) which is an outstanding species. The staff of the center worked out a unique method for nestling feeding and reintroduction of cranes. You can see seven species of cranes and take part in feeding nestlings.

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Photogallery of tour:

Pra river bank
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Riverside of Pra
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Grass-snake (Natrix)
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Day 1, Saturday

8:00 Departure from Moscow.
12:30 Arrival to Ryazan (Ancient Russian city) (200 km).
Transfer to Four seasons/Lovech hotel. Check-in.
13:00 – 14:00 Lunch.
14:30 – 17:00 Excursion to the Ryazan Kremlin, visiting expositions.
17:00 – 19:00 Free time
19:00 Dinner.

Day 2, Sunday

07:00 Breakfast. Check-out.
7:30 -9:00 Transfer to Oksky Reserve (100 km).
9:00 – 10:30 Excursion along historical trail of the reserve, introduction to the reserve’s history and activity. Visit to an archeological site of ancient dating back to the stone age. Walk to the Pra River, observing unique Meschera’s landscapes.
10:30 – 12:00 Excursion to the bison breeding centre. Bison is the largest mammal in Europe. Its weight achieves 1200 kg. This powerful species has no enemies in the nature except…the man. In the beginning of 20 century the human activity resulted in complete extinction of the bison. European Zoos had 47 individuals. In present due to the successful work of bison breeding center the native bison population has achieved the amount of 3,000 individuals.
12:00 - 12:30 Lunch.
12:30 – 14:00 Excursion to the Crane Breeding Centre. The centre breeds 7 species of cranes, including Siberian white crane and other Red Book species (Japanese crane, White-naped crane, Hooded crane). Demonstration of the feeding methodology.
14:00 – 15:30 Visit to the Museum of Nature. Here you can see the expositions demonstrating natural associations of Meschera’s landscapes.
In case of traveling by train:
15:30 – 17:00 Transfer to Ryazan railway station.
18:00 Departure for Moscow
In case of traveling by bus or car:
15:30 – 17:00 Riding over the valleys. (Optional)
15:30 – 17:00 Free time, visit to the private ceramic exhibition, acquaintance with the master of ceramic, buying souvenirs. Ceramics master-class (Optional)
17:00 – 18:30 Transfer to Ryazan.
18:30 – 19:30 Dinner
19:30 Departure for Moscow
23:30 Arrival to Moscow


Number of PAX 2
Price per person, RUB (by your own transport) 6570
Price per person, RUB (by train)
Price per person, RUB (by bus)
Price per person, RUB (membership)
Option 1 - by your own transport: accommodation, FB, Russian-speaking guide, excursions, recreation fee.
Option 2 - by train: accommodation, FB, Russian-speaking guide, excursions, recreation fee, transfers: Ryazan' - Oksky reserve - tour base - Oksky reserve - Ryazan'.
Option 3 - by bus: accommodation, FB, Russian-speaking guide, excursions, recreation fee, transfers: Moscow - Oksky reserve - tour base - Oksky reserve - Moscow.
Option 4 - membership - by bus: accommodation, FB, Russian-speaking guide, excursions, recreation fee, transfers: Moscow - Oksky reserve - tour base - Oksky reserve - Moscow.
Train tickets Moscow - Ryazan' - Moscow, alcoholic beverages, optonal excursions, English-speaking guide / interpreter.


Additional information:

Lovech Hotel****
One of the most popular hotels in Ryazan situated in the town centre.
Rooms: Double, Twin, Single, Semisuit, Suit, Studio.
Restaurant, bar, café, car park, WiFi-internet, laundry, hairdresser, stomatology, billiards, conference-hall.
Four seasons***
Stylish small hotel situated in ecologically pure region.
Rooms: Double, Twin, Single, Semisuit, Suit.
Restaurant, bar, café, car park, WiFi-internet, laundry, billiards, conference-hall.

Places of interest.
Solotchinsky monastery. One of the most interesting sites of resort village Solotcha.
According to the legend, prince Oleg met two hermits – Vasily and Evfimy on the banks of river Solotcha and decided to build there a monastery. In 1390 year he ordered Rojdestvensky wooden cathedral to be built. Before his death prince Oleg became a monk and took the name of Ioakim (1402).
Today it is a beautiful convent open for visitors.
Tsiolkovsky House – Museum in Izhevskoe. Izhevskoe is home-settlement of K. Tsiolkovsky – “farther of cosmonautics”. The museum hosts an exhibition devoted to his life and work, as well as stages of space exploration.

To visit these places request details of additional excursions.

You can also choose additional excursions (at extra cost) at Oksky reserve:

1. Horse-riding along flood plains, forests and valleys. The horses are very quiet, so even children can go riding.
2. Master-class on clay modelling. After master’s instructions you can make wonderful articles from clay with your own hands. Both adults and children can take part!

In spring:
1. Excursion "Spring primroses". You will see and learn many interesting facts about spring primroses from an experienced biologist. Don’t miss the chance to preserve their transient beauty in photos.
2. Excursion "Acquaintance with Oksky reserve birds population". This is a unique possibility to get acquainted with habitats and features of biology of nesting birds of southeast part of Meshchera under the direction of experienced ornithologists of the reserve.
Specially for birdwatchers: it is possible to organize thematic bird watching tour in the Oksky reserve on demand.

From spring till autumn:
«Following animals’ trails» . Learn about habitats and life style of the reserve’s inhabitants. You will see à beaver dam, visit à badger city, an ant ground and many other interesting objects.

In the autumn:
Excursion "Visiting desman and beaver". You will get acquainted with habitats and features of biology of near water mammals (desman, beaver, muskrat, otter). More information on desman here.


General info:

2 days





Car or bus

All year round

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