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The Wrangel island, tour to biodiversity den

Region: Chukotka 

The Wrangel  and Gerald islands are inhabited with a very diversed flora and fauna species for Arctic zone. The number of plants, insects, birds species as well as the diversity of plants combinations is higher than in any other Arctic island. The nature of the reseve is unique and the biodiversity here surpass the one of the whole Candian archipelago. 
It's the reserve of the white bears, musk-oxes, walruses, Arctic foxes, numerous birds (including  Ross' Gull ). The land remained from ancient continent - Berengia. Numerous mammoth remnants dates only 3,5 thousnads years. Paleontologic stands of humans shows that they had lived at the same time with animals.
During the tour one will be able to watch animals and birds inhabit the islands, and the luckiest will meet the last mammoth of nowdays.

Our guides

Photogallery of tour:

Hunting for hunter
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Here I come, dressed in white!
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East-siberian sea shore
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1 day

Arrival in Pevek.
Tranfer by landrover to the unique hotel, built during Stalin times for communist burocracy.
Free time.
Lunch in the hotel.
Excursion around Pevek to cormorant rocks where gluttons live.
Dinner in the hotel.

2 day

09:00 Breakfast in a hotel.
10:00 Departure by helicopter to the Wrangel island.
13:00 Arrival on the island, accommodation in a guest house of the reserve.
Safety instructions while the stay in the reserve.
Walk to the walruses lair.

3 day

4 day

After breakfast excursion on the quad bikes to Hawaii mountains. After lunch landrover excursion along the Longa bay.

5 day

09:00 Breakfast.
10:00 Departure by landrover to the next overnight stop.
The route goes along the shore up to the ancient human stop. Here white bears are quite often. After a while the coast turns south and the route goes west to the tundra up to Mammoth river. Musk-oxes, polar owl and ducks meets here.
Overnight in the house on the Neozhidannya river.

6 day

7 day

09:00 Breakfast.
Trip to East-Siberian sea rocks, where whales sometimes shows in the sea.
Trip to the north of the island till Gusinoe stop.

8 day

9 day

10 day

11 day

12 day

13 day

14 day

09:00 Breakfast.
Transfer to airport, departure to Moscow.


The price is calculated individually for each group. Join-in groups are not accepted due to security reasons. All group members must have previous successifull experience with each other.
Booking is accepted not later than February before the trip. Booking is confirmed by the contract and 50% advance payment. Full payment is due 3 months before the departure date.
Permits for visiting from the Reserve and FSS Russia, accomodation in the reserve and in Pevek, nutrition in the reserve, transfer to/from airport in Pevek, transfers on the island and secure guiding from the reserve, helicopter Pevek-island-Pevek.
Trip to Pevek and back, personal expences in Pevek, medical insurance, visa fee, alcoholic bevareges, extra helicopter expences.


General info:


guest house




helicopter, quad bike,landrover


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