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Yenisey - birds of Central Siberia

The Yenisey river is the world's sixth and the Russia's the largest river in terms of discharge. It runs from the south to the north dividing the territory of Russia in two. Its drainage basin consists of three absolutely different parts. The Upper Yenisey is surrounded by the Sayan Mountains and runs northwards deviding western Siberia and the Central Siberian Plateau. It's interesting that even ornithological diversity on two Yenisey coasts is different. For example, Great Snipe and Grey Crow have been seen only on the left and west bank while White Wagtail and Rock Thrush inhabit the right bank.
The route goes across the three basic territories of the Yenisey basin: its mountainious southen part, the Easten Sayan and famous Krasnoyarsk Stolby. In the middle part of the river, the tour camp is at the biological station, located on the border of the Central Siberian Reserve. On this tour you will get a complete ornithological picture of the whole region.
During the program the tourists are accompanied by a qualified ornithologist. Ornithologists of protected areas visited are also involved in different activities.

Our guides Birds checklist

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Thrush With Nestlings
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1 Day

Early morning arrival in Abakan. Breakfast in a cafe in the airport.
Transfer to Khakassky nature reserve. Accommodation.
Walking excursion to Chalpan mountain.
Walk to the isthmus of the Bele lake, birdwatching. Birds of the day:

2 Day

Early morning birding at the isthmus of the Bele lake.
Transfer to the other part of the resreve. Accommodation.
Excursion to the Visit-Center of the reserve.
Transfer to Spirinskye lakes. Birdwatching. Birds of the day:

3 Day

Early morning birding at Spirinskye lakes.
Transfer to Oglakhty area of the reserve. Lunch in a cafe on road.
Excursion in the Oglakhty area.
Transfer to Abakan. Accommodation in a hotel. Dinner.

4 Day

Early morning transfer to Ulug -Kol lake.
Birdwatching. Birds of the day:
Breakfast "lunch-boxes".
Return to Abakan.
Excursion around Abakan.
19:30 Overnight train to Krasnoyarsk.

5 Day

Early morning arrival in Krasnoyarsk.
Transfer to Stolby nature reserve with breakfsat on the way and visit to the valley of Kacha river to look for Long-tailed Rosefinch and other steppe-forest species as (Richard's Pipit, Brown Shrike, Black-faced Bunting, Pine Bunting).
Lunch .
Dinner. Evening sounds of Stolby.

6,7 Days

The whole walking days in the mountains. Radial excursions around. (Blue Robin, Masking Wagtail, Lanceolated Warbler, Pallas's Leaf Warbler, Radde's Willow Warbler, Spotted Flycatcher, Pacific Swift, Red-flanked Bluetail, White's Thrush).

8 Day

Breakfast. Transfer to Yeniseysk (300 km, 5 hours drive).
23:30 Departure by ship to Mirnoe.

9 Day

Full day on a ship. Arrival in Mirnoe, settle down. Late welcome dinner.

10-13 Days

Walking excursions to the right and left banks of the Yenisey, watching birds of midle taiga of Central Siberia. On the right bank we'll observe: Red-flanked Bluetail, White's Thrush, Brambling, Black-and-orange Flycatcher, Yellow-browed Warbler, Yellow-browed Bunting, Pintail Snipe, Olive-backed Pipit. On the left bank the floodplane species will be observed: Pallas's Grasshopper Warbler, Muscicapa sibirica, Siberian Rubythroat, Swinhoe's Red-tailed Robin, Black-throated Thrush, Eye-browed Thrush, Siberian Thrush, Dusky Warbler.

14 Day

Transfer by boat to Bor village to the flight to Krasnoyarsk at 17:35.
19:20 Arrival in Krasnoyarsk.
21:40 Departure to Moscow.

Accommodation, meals according to the program, transpotation and excursions according the program.
Airplane tickets Moscow-Abakan, Krasnoyarsk-Moscow, private expences, additional excursions, alcoholic bevareges, transfer, accommodation and program in Moscow, medical insurance, consular expences.


Encephalitis vaccination is obligatory

General info:


guest house, hotel

according to the program



ship, boats, bus


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