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Visiting desman and beaver


Autumn excursion in Oksky reserve.

Autumn is the best time to learn about life and habits of a unique animal - Russian desman. And the best place for it is Meshera nature region.
A desman is a sort of a living monument of Earth's history. It appeared not less than 30 millions years ago and could survive natural disasters that killed mammoth, sabretoothed tigers, woolly rhinoceros and many other animals. The desman was a witness of human's transition from a helpless creature to a sovereign of nature. It is probable that the desman will not be able to go through human's government. Once the species was rather numerous but now it is included in all levels Red Books including the list of endangered species of IUCN. It is clear that the desman will not be able to survive without special measures of protection, the quantity of individuals and natural habitats are rapidly shrinking.
It is the only mammal species which is called Russian, and it is almost impossible to meet it outside Russia. It is Russian national heritage and Russia is responsible for its protection in global scale.
The desman lives in lakes at flood lands and former river beds, it is very secretive. To see it in nature is a great luck, and as it doesn't live in captivity you won't see it at any zoo. Oksky reserve is a protected area where you can see Russian desman's habitat and get to know its way of life. Autumn is the best time for it as the lakes are shallow.
Near to desmans beavers live and construct their dams. It is rather interesting to see the results of their activity.
We invite you to visit Oksky reserve this autumn. Here you can find the program of a 2-days tour



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